Конференція "Fat-and-Oil Industry 2024 "

Conference “Fat-and-Oil Industry 2024 “

On October 30, 2024, LLC “Verkhivtsevsky Oil Extraction Plant” at the invitation of IA “APK-Inform” attended the XXII International Conference “Fat-and-Oil Industry-2024”, which took place in Kyiv at the InterContinental Hotel!
For more than 20 years, this event has gathered leaders of the oil and fat industry of Ukraine and serves as a discussion platform for the largest producers and exporters
and importers of oil and refined products.

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З Днем Державного прапора України

Happy National Flag Day of Ukraine!

Dear colleagues and partners!

On behalf of the staff of the Verkhivtsevsky Oil Extraction Plant, we heartily congratulate you on the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine!

Our blue and yellow flag is a symbol of freedom, unity and national revival. He reminds us of the strength and indomitability of the Ukrainian people, that we are able to overcome any difficulties by uniting for a common goal.

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Forecast for the harvest of oil seeds in Ukraine in 2024/25 MR: significant growth is expected


The Ukrainian agro-industrial sector is on the verge of significantly increasing the yield of oil crops in the 2024/25 marketing year (MR). According to forecasts of the association “Ukroliyaprom“, the total production of the main types of oil crops will reach 22.5 million tons, which is 3.8% higher than the previous season. The relevant data were provided by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (State Statistics Service).

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