Eлектронна пошта


Номер телефону

Відділ продажу: +38-050-507-48-11 Відділ закупівлі: +38067-180-29-99

Адреса виробництва

вул.Нова,50А, Верхівцеве, Дніпропетровська область,Україна, 51660

Виробнича діяльність

Основні види продукції

ТОВ «Верхівцевський Олійноекстракційний Завод» виробляє соняшникову олію, шрот соняшника та соняшникові паливні пелети.Завод може виробляти 760 тонн соняшника на добу, 312 тонн олії на добу та 289 тонн шроту на добу.

Соняшникова олія
Соняшникові паливні пелети
Соняшниковий шрот


Останні новини на підприємстві ТОВ «Верхівцевський Олійноекстракційний Завод» та в олійній галузі

Certificates Received

At Verkhivtsevsky Oil Extraction Plant LLC processes regulated by the ISCCEU certification scheme (International Sustainable Development and Carbon Emissions Certification) have been developed, implemented and certified on 18.09.2024, which establish the guiding principles of biomass production, processing and trade. The processes cover all stages of the supply chain, from growing raw materials to delivering the final product.

You can view the Certificates HERE

соняшник в полі
Prices are rising, processing margins are falling

What’s happening on the market

The rise in oil seed prices has become a significant challenge for the agricultural sector, but at the same time, the decline in processing margins threatens the stability of this industry. The current situation shows that due to the high cost of raw materials, the profitability of processing is decreasing, and the financial burden on producers and processors is increasing. On the other hand, the oil seed market remains an important export direction for Ukraine, which reinforces the need for effective adaptation to new conditions.

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Two methods of producing vegetable oil

Let’s consider two methods of production of vegetable oil

Oil presses and extraction plants play an important role in the production of vegetable oils, but use different technologies that have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main difference between these two approaches lies in the methods of extracting the oil from the seeds. Below is an overview of the technologies based on key aspects of each plant type, including the process, efficiency and profitability factors that determine their use.

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