Certificates Received

At Verkhivtsevsky Oil Extraction Plant LLC processes regulated by the ISCCEU certification scheme (International Sustainable Development and Carbon Emissions Certification) have been developed, implemented and certified on 18.09.2024, which establish the guiding principles of biomass production, processing and trade. The processes cover all stages of the supply chain, from growing raw materials to delivering the final product.

You can view the Certificates HERE


Two methods of producing vegetable oil

Let’s consider two methods of production of vegetable oil

Oil presses and extraction plants play an important role in the production of vegetable oils, but use different technologies that have their own advantages and disadvantages. The main difference between these two approaches lies in the methods of extracting the oil from the seeds. Below is an overview of the technologies based on key aspects of each plant type, including the process, efficiency and profitability factors that determine their use.

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Конференція "Fat-and-Oil Industry 2024 "

Conference “Fat-and-Oil Industry 2024 “

On October 30, 2024, LLC “Verkhivtsevsky Oil Extraction Plant” at the invitation of IA “APK-Inform” attended the XXII International Conference “Fat-and-Oil Industry-2024”, which took place in Kyiv at the InterContinental Hotel!
For more than 20 years, this event has gathered leaders of the oil and fat industry of Ukraine and serves as a discussion platform for the largest producers and exporters
and importers of oil and refined products.

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The bulk sunflower oil market in Ukraine

The bulk sunflower oil market in Ukraine

The bulk sunflower oil market in Ukraine is one of the key ones for the country’s economy and agricultural sector.

The main aspects of this market:

  1. Ukraine is a leader in world trade: In the 2023/24 marketing year, Ukraine’s share in world trade in sunflower oil is 41%, which makes it the leading exporter of this product. Russia takes second place with a share of 30%[3].
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